So what is the March Bracket Challenge?
The March Bracket Challenge is a game that tests your College Basketball knowledge by giving you a chance to compete against your friends and local participants and try to predict a perfect bracket. It's the ultimate challenge for College Basketball fans.
How do I make my picks?
Once you register for the game, you will be given the opportunity to make your selections prior to the start of the tournament. To make your picks, simply go to the brackets page and advance the teams you like to win by selecting their team name. Once the bracket is complete you click the save button and your picks are stored. It's that easy.
Can I change my picks after I clicked the "Save Picks" button?
Yes you can! You can finalize your selections anytime before tipoff of the first game of the first round. Simply make changes to your picks by clicking on the teams you think will advance to the next round and then click the save button.
How do I view someone else's bracket?
Viewing someone else's bracket is easy. Go to the Leaderboard. You will see the standings on this page. Every team is hyperlinked to their bracket. Just click on the name of the team whose bracket you would like to view and their bracket will display in the window.
When are the standings updated?
Updated standings will be available shortly after each game, unless unforeseen problems arise.
What is the deadline for making selections?
The deadline for making selections is before tipoff of the first game of the first round. Selecting close to the start of the race is risky and your picks will not be saved if they are finalized after the countdown ends.
Who am I playing against?
Unlike most other league games where you're thrown into some random public group of people you don't know, you will be playing against people ONLY in your local area. You'll be competing with your friends for bragging rights and some local media partners will be offering great prizes.
What if miss the deadline for finalizing my picks?
Since this is a pick-in-advance game and we have to prevent people from making picks after the tournament starts.
Registration will be closed right before tipoff of the first game of the first round.
How do you win the game?
Your local media partner will determine the winner and award a prize if one is offered. Check out the Leaderboard to view your performance throughout the tournament.
Are tie-breakers factored into the standings page?
Yes. Check the Rules page.
How does the scoring work?
Click here to see the scoring chart.
This game ROCKS!
We appreciate your enthusiasm. Please invite your friends to play along.
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